You might be a small business, but your blog doesn’t have to be small. The great thing about the Internet is that it levels the playing field. Even a small business can present themselves like the big companies do. Blogging like a pro take some time and practice, but here are ten tips to get you there:

Write Magazine Headlines

Take a tip from magazines. Headlines that are short, punchy and get people engaged in a few words are one of the most effective tools in getting people attracted to your content. Pick up a stack of magazines around your home and look at what the big companies are doing.

Speak to the Reader

One of the biggest mistakes made by business bloggers is when they write like they’re talking to a suit instead of a real human being. Use a conversational tone that feels natural and gets people comfortable. Keep your points concise and short without going into unnecessary detail.

Share Everywhere

Don’t limit yourself to one or two channels. Share and post your content everywhere. As long as you include a link back to your site, the more places you get your content published, the more exposure you are going to get. Being too protective of your content will only limit your potential.

Make it Easy to Share

Don’t put up walls to sharing your content, and don’t miss an opportunity to call your readers to action. Always include Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest share icons on every post. Include share tools for all the social media sites you are targeting, and make it dead-simple to use them.

Go Beyond the Written Word

People are always engaged by visuals. Using photos, videos and other media to get people attracted to your posts and to convey a message can make your posts stand out from the crowd. Don’t think solely in terms of text anymore, and try to incorporate compelling images that hook your readers.

Always Use Images

Just adding a few photos or videos in the middle of your post isn’t always enough. Make sure to have a featured image for each post that can hook readers. This image doesn’t have to take hours of research or a professional photographer – there are lots of resources for free images on the Web.

Link to Other Blogs

A successful blog isn’t shy about linking to other websites and blogs. By linking out to other sites, you’re attracting reciprocation and increasing your potential for backlinks. It also provides useful additional reading and resources for your viewers.

Encourage Comments and Feedback

Blogs are a way of engaging with your readers. In addition to including a comment form on your blog, at the end of each post invite your readers to get engaged. Ask them for their feedback – don’t just wait for them to take that first step.

Analyze Everything

Watch your blog’s traffic and utilize the great analytics tools out there, like Google Analytics. By monitoring traffic and understanding how and where people are viewing your site, you can better understand your visitors and serve them with content that’s going to keep them coming back.

Treat It Like a Business

Your blog isn’t just a pastime. It’s a critical part of your business and should be treated as such. Make a schedule for your blogging, and set aside time each week for maintenance and to find new ways to improve on your business blog.

If you’re stuck when it comes to developing new ideas, get out there and do some research. You can find some incredible inspiration by browsing online Q&A sites, forums, and social media sites. Sometimes the best posts start by answering a popular question you found somewhere, and going into greater depth than you find on a simple forum or Q&A site.